
  1. You can Drag Addresses Between To, Cc and Bcc Fields in Outlook.
  2. Double-Click a blank space in Inbox to create a New Message in Outlook – double click a blank space in Calendar to create a new appointment etc.
  3. How can I copy the e-mail address from the properties window of a user? The trick is to click Add to contacts button and copy the address from the window that pops up.
  4. Quickly add an attachment to a new message – Locate the file and then drag it to your Inbox. You can also drag multiple files.
  5. Always find user in Address Book, not in contacts – search with =username instead of just username.
  6. Avoid PST confusion – PST |Properties | Advanced | (Re)Name the PST.
  7. Quickly create a rule from the Context Menu (Right click menu) of the message.
  8. There’s no spell check in signatures.
  9. Use Insert | Item to insert a message instead of a file.
  10. You can Move Desktop Alerts to a different monitor or to a different location on your primary monitor – simply drag a new alert to the desired location.
  11. Re-send message – Open the message from ‘Sent Items’ and select Actions | Resend this message.
  12. Save multiple attachments at one time – Open the message and select File | Save Attachments.
  13. Delete names from the AutoComplete list. Use the arrow key and press ‘Delete’ key on your keyboard.
  14. A universal shortcut – press CTRL + SHIFT + M to create a new mail from anywhere in Outlook.
  15. A Safety Net for the Send Button – Create a Delayed Send Rule.
  16. Flag a message fast – select a message in the message list, and then press INSERT key on your keyboard.
  17. See more messages in your Inbox with single-line view – View | Arrange By| Custom | Other Settings | Clear the Use multi-line layout in widths smaller than n characters check box.
  18. View all your unread messages in the Inbox – View | Arrange By | Current View | Unread Messages in This Folder.
  19. Notes – Drag a portion of the mail to Notes to save as a note. Works even from Internet.


  1. E-mail signature – You can use them in meeting requests too.
  2. Quickly create an all-day event in Calendar – Click the day heading and drag across all days, and then type the event name.
  3. Multi-selection in Calendar – drag across or hold down CTRL or SHIFT while selecting the days.
  4. Quickly move an appointment – Drag it to your Calendar or the date picker.
  5. Change the number of days shown in Calendar – ALT + number.
  6. Want to see your Calendar while you’re looking at the Inbox? Right click the calendar and select Open in New Window.
  7. Click and type to create a new Appointment in Calendar.
  8. Did you know that you can change the time periods shown in the Calendar grid? – Right-click the Calendar, click Other Settings, and then click the number you want from the Time Scale list.
  9. Have some fun with Outlook Date Fields. You can type in date fields and Outlook will automatically calculate the date and fill out the field correctly.
    • Try these:
      ¥ “tomorrow”, “next week”, “next month”
      ¥ “in 2 days”, “in 3 weeks”
      ¥ Shorthand date forms such as “Jun 14” and “Oct 7”
      ¥ You can even type in certain holidays such as “Christmas”, “Christmas Eve”, “New Year’s Day” etc.
      ¥ And you can even combine inputs to create a date like “3 days before Christmas” and Outlook will figure out the right day.
      ¥ 4d (for 4 days from now) or 115p (for 1:15 PM), as well as formulas: 3/14 + 12d.
      ¥ It also knows three weeks from tomorrow, although 3w + 1 is less typing.
      ¥ This is not just limited to the date field – Outlook will also accept “midnight” and “noon” in the time field as valid inputs.
  10. Shortcuts will work in the snooze field – just type a number for the number of minutes, or add a d if you want to snooze it for days.

Keyboard Shortcuts

ALT + S Send a message
CTRL 1 – 9 Navigation
ESC Close the message
CTRL + Y Go to folder
CTRL + COMMA (<) Open the next message (While the message is open)
CTRL + PERIOD (>) To open the previous message.
CTRL + K Is it OK? Resolve the name.
CTRL + R (r) Reply to a message
CTRL + SHIFT + R (R) Reply All
CTRL + F Forward a message
CTRL + D Delete a message
SHIFT + Delete Permanent Delete
Ctrl + Enter Mark a message as read
Ctrl + U Go to the next unread message in your inbox (OR mark as unread)